Welcome to the Ether

The Truth

There is always much that can be said but almost all of it is meaningless. All of what can be observed exists and then ceases to exist within the cosmic blink of an eye. But God says that some things do matter. And there are some things that last forever. These two qualities, meaningfulness and immortality, are not interdependent or mutually exclusive. I believe that some things which are one or the other, or both, can be found here.

Reality is objective, known only to God. Truth is reality filtered through the perspective of an observer, and is subjective by nature. Meaning and value are assigned according to the truth, making them both subjective as well. Ultimately every assignment of meaning, value, or truth is subjective by nature. None of them are necessarily or definitively a reflection of reality. Thus, they may or may not be real or matter.

The objective truth from a human perspective is that nothing is true, and that nothing matters, because it is impossible to know what is real. The existence of unanswerable questions and unsolvable problems is what necessitates faith. The true nature of faith has been warped and obscured by religion and the delusions that it perpetuates throughout the course of (this instance of) recorded history.

Faith is operationally defined as "Confidence that what we hope for will actually happen." It is independent of a person's beliefs, affiliations, race, religion, culture, sexuality, nationality, or any force or factor that divides or discriminates. Confidence and hope are both secular constructs, which means that faith is too. And it is written in God's word that we are saved by faith. It is by faith that we are made God's children and inheret our place in his kingdom. Thus, every individual is a child of God. Every one of us has a place in his kingdom because every one of us is capable of hope and confidence, which means we are capable of the faith by which we are saved.

Whether you know God by his Hebrew names, or as the unifying consciousness in the universe, or it is your truth that he does not exist at all, whether you're pagan or satanist, you are capable of confidence and hope. Thus you are capable of faith, even if it is not something that you practice. Among those things that matter and that last forever are faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love, and you will find it in abundance here. Whoever you are, you are loved and you matter.

Every person is a blend of temperament, giftedness, and life experiences which makes them specifically suited to seek out and pursue a purpose that matters. That means you. Without you, there is good in this world that will be left undone. Some of us are those the world calls strong, or good. They are those whose purpose aligns with the standards and expectations of the world. Others, like me, are those the world calls weak or bad. We are those whose purpose works in opposition to the standards and expectations of the world which are meant to change.

The strong can do infinitely more when when they learn to draw additional strength from faith. The weak can do the impossible when they learn to live and work by faith instead of by any strength or power of their own.